Easy Does It!

Photo Courtesy of the LeGate Family. Undated.

Hey all, we’re on a road trip for the month of July but I wanted to stop long enough to get this amazing picture posted. This is my first post via email, so I hope it looks ok when posted. If not, I’ll tweak it later. Gene LeGate sent this pic to me a few days ago (thanks Gene!). I don’t know who took it, what building it was (it looks like one of the Butler Buildings used for the first school), where it was being moved to, or why. But here’s what I do know: it’s being moved away from town and it was a rainy day.

If you have some info about this picture and what was going on, please leave a comment. It seems like something like this would have drawn some attention.

Class Picture

I’m not sure what the occasion was that prompted this picture, but there are a lot of faces in here that many of you will recognize. The back side of this photo has the names written out. I’m including that as the second photo below instead of typing the names. I just thought that was a better way to go. The handwriting might be a little hard to read on some of them, but you’ll figure it out I’m sure.

Photographer and date unknown.
Source: Tim McDaniels

Here’s the back of the photo with the handwritten names:

Source: Tim McDaniels

